Procedure steps
A pre-operative marking locating the position of the implant is carried out by Dr. Petit before the procedure. In most cases, it is performed under general anesthesia, on an out-patient basis (hospital discharge that very evening).
The procedure consists in making a customized space for the chin implant on contact with the mandible bone, through a vestibular incision (between the lower lip and the lower gum).
Therefore, the scar is hidden inside the mouth.
The closure of the vestibular mucosa is performed with resorbable sutures.
A dressing modeling the chin is performed at the end of the procedure.
What to expect after surgery
The augmentation genioplasty is a little painful procedure. Pains are soothed by analgesics.
Ecchymosis (bruises) and oedema (swelling) located in the upper lip, in the chin and in the neck are classical and depend from one patient to another, gradually diminishing within a fortnight.
Rigorous oral hygiene with an antiseptic mouthwash are necessary over 5 days, as well as warm food (or cold) and soft consistencies (in order to avoid efforts of mastication) over 48 hours.
A modeling bandage under the chin has to be kept over 5 days.
The resumption of daily activities is possible the day following the procedure.
The resumption of professional activities can be done within 5 to 7 days after the procedure.
The resumption of sports activities is authorized within 4 to 6 weeks after the procedure.
Procedure risks
The complications of an augmentation genioplasty are weak.
Long-term result
The final result of a chin augmentation implant surgery is obtained between 3 to 6 months, when the post-operative œdema has disappeared.
The result is natural (invisible and impalpable prosthesis) and definitive (replacing the implant is not necessary).
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