The lateral body lift

Silhouette surgery

Some patients are complexed with a disproportion accentuated between the upper area (relatively thin) and the lower area of their body (large), which causes difficulties in getting dressed. Unfortunately, this disproportion tends to intensify during a weight loss, which often tightens the upper body but does not act on jodhpur thighs. Thus, patients develop a negative image of their silhouette that they liken to the shape of an « Orangina bottle », generating a lack of self-confidence.

The lateral body lift is a little-known procedure which is not wide-spread in France, which enables to reduce the lower body volume in order to harmonize it with the rest of the silhouette. It enables to bring an efficient answer to patients with very large jodhpur thighs, which cannot be treated optimally by a liposuction or by a classical lower body lift.

This technique has undergone very little evolution since 1960 and has been modernized by Dr. Jean-François Pascal, who has been one of the masters of Dr. Petit during his surgical training.

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